report | May 26, 2011
Nearly three years after the financial crisis that sent the nation’s economy into a tailspin, the public expresses mixed views of Wall Street. Nearly half of Americans (47%) say that Wall Street hurts the U.S. economy more than it helps, while 38% say it helps more than hurts; 15% offer no opinion. These findings, from […]
report | May 26, 2011
New data from the 2010 Census was released today by the Census Bureau, filling in details about age, household type, homeownership and more.
report | May 25, 2011
Overview Americans continued to express strong interest in news about the death of Osama bin Laden and its ramifications last week, even as news coverage of the story continued to decline. About a quarter of the public (27%) says they followed reports about the killing of bin Laden and its impact on U.S. relations […]
report | May 25, 2011
While the media devoted attention to the arrest of the IMF chief, the public had little interest. But a majority have heard a lot about Schwarzenegger's troubles.
report | May 25, 2011
Is "peer-to-peer healthcare" an idea whose time has come? Evidence and recent examples.
report | May 24, 2011
The public is concerned about both of the possible outcomes of the debt limit debate – raising the debt limit and failing to do so. But more say they are very concerned about the possible consequences of raising the debt limit than of not raising it. And by a 48% to 35% margin, Americans say […]
report | May 22, 2011
It was a diverse news week that started off with the arrest of the IMF chief, but ended with the media focused on strained U.S.-Israel relations and the problems with the GOP presidential field. Meanwhile, attention to the aftermath of the bin Laden raid continued to diminish dramatically.