short reads | Jun 1, 2011

Today’s College Students Less Prepared

A 58%-majority of college presidents say public high school students arrive at college less well prepared than their counterparts of a decade ago.

report | Jun 1, 2011

Twitter Update 2011

13% of online adults use Twitter, and half of Twitter users access the service "on the go" via mobile phone.

report | May 30, 2011

A Heartland Tragedy Seizes the News Agenda

The latest outbreak of violent spring storms proved to be the biggest weather story in PEJ’s four years of tracking news coverage. An election in New York State turned into a major economic story and the prospect of a Palin candidacy helped drive coverage of the 2012 presidential campaign last week.

report | May 27, 2011

Social Media Express Strong Support for Israel

How have social media responded to President Obama’s controversial speech about the conflict in the Middle East? This special edition of PEJ’s New Media Index is an in-depth look at the tone of the complex conversation on blogs, Twitter and Facebook that occurred as President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu met in Washington.

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