report | May 6, 2011
The Census Bureau is releasing demographic profiles from the 2010 Census this month, and here is a look at the first round of news stories from the data, which focused on young people, older Americans, the national origin of Hispanics and changes in household size.
presentation | May 6, 2011
Lee Rainie discusses how libraries can be actors in building and participating in social networks through their use of social media and through delivering their time-tested — and trusted — services to their patrons.
report | May 5, 2011
As gas prices soar, many Americans pin the blame on greed or a push for higher profits among oil companies, speculators and oil-producing nations. About three-in-ten (31%) offer a variation on this theme – greed, oil companies or speculation – when asked what they think is the main reason gasoline prices have gone up recently, […]
report | May 5, 2011
Contrary to what happens with most major national news events, the discussion of the death of Osama bin Laden in the mainstream and new media has not shifted quickly to political winners and losers. An analysis of hundreds of thousands of stories and millions of social media postings finds the discussion has remained focused on the facts of what happened. A new PEJ study has the details.
presentation | May 5, 2011
Lee Rainie discusses e-patients and their online behavior
report | May 4, 2011
Michael Dimock, associate director of the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, provides an overview of the findings of the report Beyond Red vs. Blue: Political Typology.
report | May 4, 2011
Identifying which group is the best fit for you involved matching the pattern of your answers to the political value questions and party affiliation to the responses of people who took the 2011 typology national survey. This entailed a two step process: first creating the typology groups for the survey and then identifying which typology […]
report | May 4, 2011
Overview With the economy still struggling and the nation involved in multiple military operations overseas, the public’s political mood is fractious. In this environment, many political attitudes have become more doctrinaire at both ends of the ideological spectrum, a polarization that reflects the current atmosphere in Washington. Yet at the same time, a growing number […]