short reads | Jul 12, 2011

Evangelical Leaders and the Bible

While practically all evangelical Christian leaders say the Bible is the word of God, half say not everything in the Bible should be taken literally.

short reads | Jul 12, 2011

Pakistanis See U.S. as an Enemy

By an overwhelming 69%-to-6% margin, Pakistanis see the U.S. as more of an enemy than as a partner.

short reads | Jul 12, 2011

Own E-Book Readers

The number of adults who own an e-book reader doubled from November 2010 to May 2011.

short reads | Jul 12, 2011

Use Facebook Daily

A majority of adults who use Facebook interact with the website at least daily.

report | Jul 11, 2011

Public Now Divided on Debt Limit Debate

As the debate over the nation’s debt and deficit continues, the public has grown more concerned that failing to raise the debt limit would force the government into default and hurt the economy. Despite this change, however, about as many Americans are concerned by the consequences of raising the nation’s debt limit as by the […]

report | Jul 11, 2011

How smartphone owners describe their phones

Along with asking about smartphone adoption and usage in our May 2011 survey, we also included a question that asked cell phone owners to provide the one word that best describes how they feel about their phones.

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