report | Jun 23, 2011
Bloggers last week dug into a financial disaster surrounding a controversial war. On Twitter, science stories, including an eclipse and global warming, led the way. And the top YouTube video showed the downside of a social media misstep.
report | Jun 22, 2011
Overview Americans last week followed news about the struggling economy and the resignation of Rep. Anthony Weiner from Congress more closely than other top stories, while the early stages of the 2012 presidential election led news coverage for this first time this year. Two-in-ten (20%) say they followed reports about the condition of the U.S. […]
short reads | Jun 22, 2011
Public opinion is divided about how the Supreme Court should interpret the Constitution.
short reads | Jun 22, 2011
The American public is divided on whether the U.S. should "mind its own business" internationally.
short reads | Jun 22, 2011
Far more Americans say wars in Iraq and Afghanistan contributed to the national debt than say the same about government spending or tax cuts.
short reads | Jun 22, 2011
The Turkish public is split on whether its country’s future lies with the Middle East or Europe.
short reads | Jun 22, 2011
A majority of adults ages 65 and older oppose changing Medicare into a program that would provide credits toward purchasing private health insurance.
short reads | Jun 22, 2011
A majority of the Japanese public says the U.S. provided a great deal of assistance in the aftermath of this spring’s earthquake and tsunami. Far fewer say the EU, UN or China provided such assistance.