The New Landscape in Journalism
Nearly half of non-profit news sites were ideological in nature.
Nearly half of non-profit news sites were ideological in nature.
Lee Rainie gave a keynote address that looked at people's evolving use of the internet and mobile technologies and their attitudes about the role of the internet in their lives and the wider world.
Coverage of the economy ballooned last week with the high stakes political skirmishing over the deficit and debt limit, while on the other side of the Atlantic the scandal enveloping Rupert Murdoch’s media empire generated a significant increase in media attention in the U.S.
The recent scandal involving Rupert Murdoch’s news operations in the United Kingdom, and news of new FBI investigation in the U.S., raises questions about whether or not the controversy will spread to his American holdings. What media properties does Murdoch own in America? PEJ offers details.
A new report from the Pew Hispanic Center shows that births now surpass immigration as the major source of Mexican-American population growth.
The nation is headed toward a possible government default on Aug. 2 if no agreement is reached to raise the debt ceiling. The public is still coming to grips with this complex issue, but recent Pew Research Center surveys show that opinions are beginning to take shape: The Bottom Line. The public has grown more […]
Births have surpassed immigration as the main driver of the dynamic growth in the nation's Mexican-American population. From 2000 to 2010, the Mexican-American population grew by 7.2 million as a result of births and 4.2 million as a result of new immigrant arrivals.
In the past decade, anti-Americanism grew around the world. In sharp contrast, today America is seen as on its way to losing its status as the dominant global superpower.
Rupert Murdoch’s troubles produced an outpouring of anger and emotion on Twitter last week. On blogs, the possibility that the White House will leave troops in Iraq beyond 2011 triggered a debate. And on YouTube, footage of an enormous sandstorm that engulfed Phoenix received over a million views.