report | May 4, 2011

Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology

Overview With the economy still struggling and the nation involved in multiple military operations overseas, the public’s political mood is fractious. In this environment, many political attitudes have become more doctrinaire at both ends of the ideological spectrum, a polarization that reflects the current atmosphere in Washington. Yet at the same time, a growing number […]

presentation | May 4, 2011

What Really Works in Mobile Health

Susannah Fox presented the Project's latest findings on how mobile access is affecting health and health care.

report | Apr 14, 2011

Japan and Global Warming Top the Bloggers’ Agenda

Bloggers last week continued to follow the troubling news coming out of Japan and returned to a familiar topic—global warming—in stark contrast to the mainstream media’s attention to Beltway budget battles. Google’s new video initiative was No. 1 on Twitter while soccer-related violence was the top YouTube news clip.

presentation | Apr 14, 2011

Mobile Health

Susannah Fox will participate in the first working meeting of the Open mHealth Public-Private Partnership in Washington, DC.

report | Apr 6, 2011

Health Surveys 2000-10

Over 200 pages of health-related survey questions fielded by the Pew Internet Project.

report | Apr 4, 2011

Peer-to-peer healthcare on NPR

Macro and micro health news and how the two combined to create one great story about online communities.

report | Mar 21, 2011

Opposition to Nuclear Power Rises Amid Japanese Crisis

Overview Not surprisingly, public support for the increased use of nuclear power has declined amid the ongoing nuclear emergency in Japan. Currently, 39% say they favor promoting the increased use of nuclear power while 52% are opposed. Last October, 47% favored promoting the increased use of nuclear power and the same percentage (47%) was opposed. […]

report | Mar 21, 2011

Opposition to Nuclear Power Rises amid Japanese Crisis

Support for the increased use of nuclear power has declined amid the ongoing nuclear emergency in Japan. But with the surge in gas prices, support for increased offshore oil and gas drilling is growing.

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