report | Dec 11, 2014

Pope Francis’ Image Positive in Much of World

Pope Francis, leader of the world’s nearly 1.1 billion Catholics, enjoys broad support across much of the world: a median of 60% across 43 nations have a favorable view of him. Only 11% see the pope unfavorably, and 28% give no rating.

report | Dec 11, 2014

Pope Francis’ Image Positive in Much of World

Pope Francis, leader of the world’s nearly 1.1 billion Catholics, enjoys broad support across much of the world: a median of 60% across 43 nations have a favorable view of him. Only 11% see the pope unfavorably, and 28% give no rating.

report | Aug 11, 2014

South Korea Pope Francis Favorability Topline

Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100% because they are based on unrounded numbers. Not all questions included in the Spring 2014 survey are presented in this topline. Omitted questions have either been previously released or will be released […]

short reads | May 23, 2014

A half century of well-traveled popes

Led by the prolific travels of Pope John Paul II, pontiffs have reached 135 different countries and territories at least once since 1964.

short reads | Mar 6, 2014

Data Feed: Pope’s first year, SAT trends, women in parliament

A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers. Politics Why Republicans should be worried about 2016, The Washington Post Secretary of State John Kerry’s favorability rising in U.S., Gallup Obama’s approval hits new low, topline, Fox News Republicans resistant to Christie for 2016 bid, Washington Post/ABC […]

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