A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Why Republicans should be worried about 2016, The Washington Post
Secretary of State John Kerry’s favorability rising in U.S., Gallup
Obama’s approval hits new low, topline, Fox News
Republicans resistant to Christie for 2016 bid, Washington Post/ABC News
More say Christie would not make good president, Fox News
Cuomo tops GOP opponents, but N.Y. voters worried about economy, NBC/WSJ/Marist
61% of Conn. voters support physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill, Quinnipiac
Most Americans say abortion should be legal at least sometimes, CNN/ORC International

Unusually cold weather hampered economic growth nationwide, Federal Reserve via WSJ
Do rising pickup sales signal good news for the housing market? The Washington Post
Which occupations are most widespread across industries?, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Interactive: Science and engineering workers in the labor force, Nat’l Science Foundation
Payroll/population ratio up in February, but still below 2013, 2012 averages, Gallup
Where have all the mortgages gone? Urban Institute

Health & Society
U.S. Catholics view Pope Francis as a change for the better, Pew Research Center
Francis brings renewed visibility to papacy, Pew Research Center
ACT, not SAT, now most-taken U.S. college entrance exam, The Washington Post
Charts: SAT scores by family income, ethnicity, parental education, The Washington Post
Cost, financial aid increasingly influence students’ choice of college, Chronicle of Higher Ed.
Poor and Hispanic workers are least likely to have sick days, The Atlantic
Half of broadcast TV viewers are 54 and older, The Atlantic
More than 38% respondents reported favorable ratings for ACA, RAND Corporation
Fewer Americans reported healthy eating in 2013, Gallup

Many Africans willing to pay taxes but say collectors are corrupt, Afrobarometer
Chart: Which countries have the most women in parliament? World Bank blog
A third of European women have experienced sexual and/or physical abuse, EU
Interactive roundup of economic and fiscal conditions in EU, The Economist
Latin America’s progress in reducing poverty is starting to slow, The Economist
Economic survey of Norway, OECD

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.