Generations Online: Charts
This is a series of charts related to the "Generations Online in 2009" report released on Jan. 28, 2009.
This is a series of charts related to the "Generations Online in 2009" report released on Jan. 28, 2009.
Over half of the adult internet population is between 18 and 44 years old. But larger percentages of older generations are online now than in the past, and they are doing more activities online.
Project: Report, a partnership between the Pulitzer Center and YouTube, features citizen journalists "telling the untold stories."
Our "Networked Families" report contains data about the "new connectedness" or what Twitterers call "ambient intimacy."
CBS News found adult gamers to illustrate their coverage of our study (and "White Wedding" will never be the same for me).
A New York Times article,That Digital Divide, Bridged in a Classroom, features our August 2008 data on computer usage, which tracks with our f...
Last month, the Connected Health Symposium at Harvard Medical School saw a first: a full-length case study in participatory medicine, described concurrently by both the patient and his physician.
The U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, hosted a cross-cultural discussion of the internet and politics in which the word "cool" played a starring role.
Hunter Gatewood likens early adopters to "happy dogs in a pile of sticks" and says that in order to spread change you need to recruit the "hesitant cat, waiting to see what works."
The U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, will host a discussion of politics and the internet on Wednesday, November 19.