short reads | Dec 14, 2010

Are the Bush Tax Cuts Fair?

In a poll conducted at the very beginning of President George W. Bush’s first term in office, nearly two-thirds of Americans said that if his proposed tax cuts were passed they would benefit some people much more than others.

report | Dec 14, 2010

Reagan’s Recession

In the depths of the 1981-1982 recession, Americans were far more displeased with their president and his policies than were their predecessors during the Great Depression, more so even than in today's high-unemployment economy.

report | Dec 14, 2010

How a Different America Responded to the Great Depression

The American public's sour mood is in interesting contrast with many of the public's views during the Great Depression of the 1930s, not only on economic, political and social issues, but also on the role of government in addressing them.

presentation | Dec 14, 2010

The Future of Cancer Research: Accelerating Scientific Innovation

Susannah Fox presented the Pew Internet Project’s latest health and social media research at an open session of the President’s Cancer Panel meeting, “The Future of Cancer Research: Accelerating Scientific Innovation,” on the campus of the Nationa...

report | Dec 13, 2010

Tax Cuts Win Broad Bipartisan Support

Overview The agreement between President Obama and congressional Republicans to extend tax cuts and unemployment benefits is getting strong bipartisan support. Overall, 60% approve of the agreement while just 22% disapprove. There are virtually no partisan differences in opinions about the agreement – 63% of Democrats approve of it, as do 62% of Republicans and […]

report | Dec 13, 2010

A Taxing Week Fuels Economic Coverage

The arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the death of Elizabeth Edwards both received substantial coverage, but it was the reaction to a compromise on the expiring Bush-era tax cuts that really galvanized the press last week.

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