report | Dec 20, 2010
The economy topped the news for the sixth straight week, while a string of tragedies—the death of a top diplomat, the suicide of Bernie Madoff’s son, and the suicide of an unstable Florida gunman—also made headlines. And health care, after months of absence, returned to the news in a significant way.
report | Dec 20, 2010
The first numbers from the 2010 Census are the state population totals, the basis of the proportional division of seats in the House of Representatives since the nation's early days. The number of House seats has been fixed at 435 since 1913, but there have been numerous tweaks in the methodology used to divide them up -- and debate continues today.
report | Dec 18, 2010
The Census Bureau did a better job in 2010 than it had in 2000 reaching out to "hard-to-count" groups, such as minorities and renters, who are more likely to be missed by census-takers than other Americans.
report | Dec 17, 2010
A newly released Government Accountability Office review of Census Bureau follow-up efforts to reduce errors in the 2010 Census raises an issue that is familiar to survey researchers: The problem of reaching the growing share of Americans who only have cell phones and not landlines.
report | Dec 17, 2010
A newly released General Accounting Office review of Census Bureau follow-up efforts to reduce errors in the 2010 Census raises an issuefamiliar to survey researchers: How to reach the growing share of Americans who only have cell phones and not landlines.
feature | Dec 16, 2010
The Pew Forum held a press luncheon with political science professors David Campbell and John Green on the topic of how religion both divides and unites Americans. Read the full transcript >>
report | Dec 16, 2010
The agreement on tax cuts between President Obama and GOP leaders led to a complex online conversation which revealed deep tensions within one party. The WikiLeaks controversy, a hot topic for the second week in a row, drew a more unified response. And on YouTube, a tragic stunt on live German television drew worldwide attention.
report | Dec 16, 2010
A "heat map" showing major trends in how different generations of online Americans use the internet over time.