short reads | Jan 17, 2014

Data Feed: The future electoral map, smoking and children, optimism about New York’s mayor

A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers. Politics What the U.S. electoral map may look like in 2060, The Washington Post Our politics is polarized on more issues than ever before, The Washington Post N.Y. optimistic about Mayor De Blasio; Poll on Bloomberg’s legacy out […]

short reads | Jan 16, 2014

Data Feed: Congress’s productivity, e-reading rises, alternative degree education

A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers. Politics Congress might be more productive and less partisan than you think, Sunlight Foundation Our politics may be polarized, but that’s nothing new, The Washington Post Are Christie’s political plans bottlenecked? With topline, NBC News/ Marist Poll Ads attacking health […]

short reads | Jan 15, 2014

The social life of health information

Our national survey finds that seven-in-ten (72%) adult internet users say they have searched online for information about a range of health issues, the most popular being specific diseases and treatments.

short reads | Jan 15, 2014

College enrollment among low-income students still trails richer groups

Higher education long has been seen as one of the best ways out of poverty, but connecting low-income students — even the high-achieving ones who presumably are best prepared for college-level work — with colleges and universities remains a challenge. On Thursday, President Obama is expected to meet with more than 100 college presidents at […]

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