The gap between the number of blacks and whites in prison is shrinking
Blacks have long outnumbered whites in U.S. prisons. But a significant decline in the number of black prisoners has narrowed the gap.
Blacks have long outnumbered whites in U.S. prisons. But a significant decline in the number of black prisoners has narrowed the gap.
Sizable majorities of adults in six European countries with a mandatory tax say they pay it and few say they are likely to opt out.
Giving a share of one’s income to the church has been a part of European tradition for centuries. Today, several countries continue to collect a “church tax” on behalf of officially recognized religious organizations, in some cases levying the tax on all registered members.
Dissatisfaction with democracy is correlated with views on economic conditions, whether key democratic norms are being respected and other issues.
Across 27 countries, more people are unhappy with the state of democracy in their countries than satisfied. Discontent with democracy is tied to concerns about the economy, individual rights and out-of-touch elites.
La mayoría de los ciudadanos europeos encuestados ha manifestado una opinión favorable sobre la Unión Europea, según se recoge en el nuevo informe de Pew Research Center.
La maggioranza nei paesi europei inclusi nel sondaggio ha espresso un parere favorevole nei confronti dell'Unione Europea, secondo un nuovo rapporto del Pew Research Center, ma molti tendono anche a descrivere l'istituzione europea come inefficiente, invadente e non sintonizzata con le esigenze dei cittadini.
Mehrheiten in den meisten befragten europäischen Ländern äußern sich nach den Ergebnissen einer neuen Studie des Pew Research Center positiv zur Europäischen Union.
La majorité des personnes dans la plupart des pays européens sondés exprime une opinion favorable de l'Union européenne, selon un nouveau rapport du Pew Research Center, mais beaucoup tendent également à décrire l'institution basée à Bruxelles comme inefficace, intrusive et en décalage avec les besoins de ses citoyens.
In a new survey, the Center reassesses how it asks Americans about Israelis, Palestinians and their respective governments.