report | May 16, 2019

Trump’s Staunch GOP Supporters Have Roots in the Tea Party

Republicans who did not agree with the tea party during Obama era were somewhat less likely to remain affiliated with GOP years later. Republicans who had positive views of the tea party movement in 2014 or 2015 were among Trump’s most enthusiastic backers during the 2016 campaign.

short reads | May 15, 2019

6 facts about U.S. political independents

Partisan divides in America are as wide as they’ve ever been in the modern political era. But what about those who identify as independents?

report | May 14, 2019

Majority of Public Favors Same-Sex Marriage, but Divisions Persist

A majority of Americans (61%) favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally, while about half as many (31%) oppose same-sex marriage. Republicans and Democrats remain deeply divided over legal marriage for gays and lesbians – though support has increased significantly in both parties over the past 15 years.

fact sheet | May 14, 2019

Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage

In Pew Research Center polling in 2001, Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a margin of 57% to 35%. Since then, support for same-sex marriage has steadily grown.

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