report | May 5, 2008
Recent advances in neuroscience are offering researchers a look into the physiology of religious belief. In a transcript from a Pew Forum event, University of Pennsylvania radiologist, Dr. Andrew Newberg, discusses how measurable brain activity matches up with the religious experiences described by worshippers.
transcript | May 5, 2008
Key West, Florida Some of the nation’s leading journalists gathered in Key West, Fla., in May 2008 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle Conference on religion, politics and public life. Recent advances in neuroscience and brain-imaging technology have offered researchers a look into the physiology of religious experiences. In observing Buddhist monks as they […]
report | Apr 23, 2008
Alicia Chang’s story on doctor-patient email has generated quite a bit of coverage and comment across the Web. I’m quoted as saying that “[p]eople are able to file their taxes online, buy and sell household goods, and manage their financial accounts. The health care industry seems to be lagging behind other industries.” Here is a […]
report | Apr 15, 2008
Deloitte has created a new health consumer typology that is worth checking out, despite their reliance on an online-only sample.
report | Mar 24, 2008
E-patients are at the center of the health care revolution, but how will Health 2.0 attract and serve the majority, not just the elite?
report | Mar 19, 2008
Summary of Findings A year after the problems at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other military hospitals made major news, the public remains highly critical of the government’s performance in supporting and caring for soldiers who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. Fully 72% say the government does not give enough support to soldiers […]
report | Mar 6, 2008
The public remains conflicted in its approach toward energy and the environment, but 55% favor more conservation and regulation compared with 35% who support expanded exploration. Fully 90% favor tighter auto fuel standards.
report | Mar 6, 2008
Summary of Findings At a time of rising energy prices, the public continues to be conflicted in its overall approach toward energy and the environment. A majority of Americans say that developing new sources of energy, rather than protecting the environment, is the more important priority for the country. However, when asked specifically about energy […]
presentation | Mar 4, 2008
E-patients are at the center of the health care revolution, but how will Health 2.0 attract and serve the majority, not just the elite?
report | Feb 28, 2008
A new journal article on doctor-patient email reveals (to me, for the first time) that the very first phone call was actually a call for emergency medical assistance. Alexander Graham Bell had just spilled battery acid on himself, hence his hurrie...