presentation | Sep 13, 2010

Transform Symposium

Susannah Fox will discuss the social life of health information and its potential for transforming health care.

presentation | Jul 28, 2010

Segmenting the Health Consumer Population

Susannah Fox will lead a session on how to segment the current health consumer population and make connections between technology headlines and implications for the health sector.

report | Jul 19, 2010

With New Hope for Containment, the Gulf Spill Leads

After several weeks of decreasing coverage, the Gulf oil saga spiked upward last week amid news of possible success in stopping the flow. Coverage of a bill to regulate the financial sector, infighting among Democrats, violence and progress in Afghanistan and the death of a baseball mogul rounded out the roster of top stories.

report | Jul 16, 2010

Crowdsourcing a Survey: Health Topics

One of our core health findings (8 in 10 internet users, or about two-thirds of U.S. adults, look online for health information) is based on a series of questions that is tweaked in each survey. We re-word or separate concepts, cut some topics, a...

report | Jul 15, 2010

Pandas, Lobsters, and Health Care

Joe Kvedar asks an excellent question in his post, The Next Phase of Connected Health: Connected Personalized Health: What are the best variables to consider when taking connected health programs from pilot to scale?

report | Jul 13, 2010

Mobile, Social Health at the National Library of Medicine

Speaking to the senior staff of the National Library of Medicine last week was like going before the best kind of murder board. Our jumping-off point was the Pew Internet Project's latest research on internet penetration, mobile use, and the socia...

presentation | Jul 8, 2010

Mobile, Social Health

Internet penetration, mobile use, the social life of health information -- and how it fits in with the National Library of Medicine's strategy.

report | Jun 24, 2010

Obama’s Ratings Little Affected by Recent Turmoil

Overview Since the beginning of this year, President Obama has signed a controversial health care measure, coped with a stubbornly high jobless rate, and struggled to manage the largest environmental disaster in the nation’s history. In that period, Obama’s overall job approval rating has moved from 49% to 48%. On major issues, ranging from the […]

report | Jun 22, 2010

Public Sees a Future Full of Promise and Peril

Overview Imagine a future in which cancer becomes a memory, ordinary people travel in space, and computers carry on conversations like humans. Now imagine a darker future – a world beset by war, rising temperatures and energy shortages, one where the United States faces a terrorist attack with nuclear weapons. Most Americans think that these […]

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