On Feb. 1, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released new rules for how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate applies to religious nonprofits, including houses of worship, schools and hospitals. Church-state law scholars Ira C. Lupu and Robert Tuttle explain the new rules and the legal arguments that religious groups might make.
69% of U.S. adults track a health indicator like weight, diet, exercise routine, or symptom. Of those, half track in their heads, one-third keep notes on paper, and one in five use technology to keep tabs on their health status.
Stanford Medicine X is a catalyst for new ideas about the future of medicine and emerging technologies. Stanford Medical Student Joyce Ho interviews Susannah Fox about her upcoming report, “Tracking for Health.”
President Obama on Monday laid out his second term priorities, naming a range of issues: the social safety net, entitlement programs, income inequality, climate change, gay rights and immigration reform. Here is what our surveys have found about public opinion on these topics.
Susannah Fox provided an overview of the Pew Internet Project's health and mobile adoption research, particularly as it relates to HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.
The market for mobile-ready health information continues to grow, even as health apps are just simmering along (in terms of consumer adoption, anyway).
Majorities across 20 publics say government investments in scientific research are worthwhile and express a lot or some confidence in scientists to do what is right for the public.
Majorities of Americans say the United States should prioritize the development of renewable energy sources and take steps toward the country becoming carbon neutral by the year 2050.
Majorities say scientific research on gene editing is a misuse of technology. But public acceptance of gene editing for babies depends on how it will be used, and views often differ by age and religion.