Family Caregivers are Wired for Health
39% of U.S. adults provide care for a loved one, up from 30% in 2010, and many navigate health care with the help of technology
39% of U.S. adults provide care for a loved one, up from 30% in 2010, and many navigate health care with the help of technology
Susannah Fox will participate in a national invitational meeting on "Promoting and Sustaining the Collaborative Network Model in Pediatrics" in Alexandria, VA.
In an article published in the journal Pediatrics, Susannah Fox makes the case for clinicians paying attention to peer-to-peer health care.
Susannah Fox will present data from the first national survey related to self-tracking for health.
While people in advanced economies are most bearish about their economic situation, they report very low levels of deprivation relative to others around the world, including people in emerging nations who are more positive and optimistic about economic conditions. Reports of deprivation are closely related to national wealth. For example, in Australia, Canada and Germany […]
Many in Developing Nations Struggle to Afford Food
Susannah Fox will present the latest research on how mobile, social technologies are transforming health and health care in the U.S. and abroad.
Lee Rainie will discuss the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project’s latest research on how people get, share and create information in the digital age. Rainie will also discuss the Project’s specific findings on the rise of e-pati...
With diagnosis errors in the news, is it any wonder that 35% of U.S. adults go online to get a jump on it before they see a clinician?
Report About eight-in-ten Americans (83%) identify ultraviolet as the type of radiation that sunscreen protects against. Nearly as many (77%) know that the main concern about the overuse of antibiotics is that it can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, only about half (51%) of the public knows that “fracking” is a process that extracts natural […]
Public views are tied to how these technologies would be used and what constraints would be in place.
Majorities across 20 publics say government investments in scientific research are worthwhile and express a lot or some confidence in scientists to do what is right for the public.
Majorities of Americans say the United States should prioritize the development of renewable energy sources and take steps toward the country becoming carbon neutral by the year 2050.
Majorities say scientific research on gene editing is a misuse of technology. But public acceptance of gene editing for babies depends on how it will be used, and views often differ by age and religion.