How North Dakota’s ‘man rush’ compares with past population booms
Census figures show that North Dakota led the nation in population growth over the past five years, at 12%, and men have accounted for two-thirds of it.
Census figures show that North Dakota led the nation in population growth over the past five years, at 12%, and men have accounted for two-thirds of it.
A new Census Bureau data visualization depicts the relationships between undergraduate majors and types of occupations.
President Obama is expected to announce a new rule cutting emissions from coal-fired power plants. A Pew Research Center survey last September found support for action to cut emissions.
Americans spend less on food than they ever have, and are fatter than they've ever been. Could there be a connection?
The countries with the highest per-capita alcohol consumption don't, as a rule, have the heaviest drinkers. Those tend to be in countries where alcohol is forbidden or strongly discouraged.
Average temperatures have risen over the past century in nearly every part of the U.S. outside the Deep South.
Some Democratic senators may join with Republicans to vote for building the Keystone XL pipeline. It's an issue that divides Democrats, a Pew Research survey found in March.
Survey Report Concerns about public health are widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, and there is considerable support in the region for making public health challenges a top national priority. In particular, people want their governments to improve the quality of hospitals and other health care facilities and deal with the problem of HIV/AIDS. A Pew Research […]
The slowdown in growth of the Hispanic foreign-born population coincides with a decline in Mexican migration to the U.S.
Americans are consistently more likely to say that the U.S. spends too much on space exploration than too little.
Public views are tied to how these technologies would be used and what constraints would be in place.
Majorities across 20 publics say government investments in scientific research are worthwhile and express a lot or some confidence in scientists to do what is right for the public.
Majorities of Americans say the United States should prioritize the development of renewable energy sources and take steps toward the country becoming carbon neutral by the year 2050.
Majorities say scientific research on gene editing is a misuse of technology. But public acceptance of gene editing for babies depends on how it will be used, and views often differ by age and religion.