The share of Americans who leave Islam is offset by those who become Muslim
About a quarter of adults who were raised Muslim no longer identify as members of the faith. But Islam gains about as many converts as it loses.
About a quarter of adults who were raised Muslim no longer identify as members of the faith. But Islam gains about as many converts as it loses.
An estimated 3.45 million Muslims of all ages were living in the United States in 2017, accounting for about 1.1% of the country's total population.
Substantial shares of Americans of nearly all religious groups – as well as those who have no religious affiliation – say they meditate at least once a week.
Read five facts about Christmas in America and how people celebrate the holiday.
Most U.S. adults believe the religious aspects of Christmas are emphasized less now than in the past – even as relatively few are bothered by this trend.
While Muslims are still a relatively small share of Europe’s population (roughly 5%), they are set to continue rising as a percentage of Europe’s population.
Read a Q&A with Conrad Hackett, associate director of research and senior demographer at Pew Research Center, on estimating the European Muslim population.
Immigration has been a major factor in the growth of Germany’s Muslim population. But, even if there is no more immigration, Muslims will continue to increase as a share of Germany’s population in future decades.
In the coming decades, the Muslim share of Europe's population is expected to grow – and could more than double. Read five facts about the Muslim population in Europe.
Prognosen zufolge wird der muslimische Anteil an der europäischen Bevölkerung zunehmen – selbst ohne zukünftige Migration Europa hat in den vergangenen Jahren Rekordzahlen an Asylsuchenden verzeichnet, die vor Konflikten in Syrien und anderen vorwiegend muslimischen Ländern geflohen sind. Diese Welle an muslimischen Migranten hat in zahlreichen Ländern einwanderungs- und sicherheitspolitische Debatten ausgelöst und Fragen aufgeworfen […]