Trump and Biden supporters differ sharply on acknowledging the nation’s historical flaws
Supporters of Donald Trump and Joe Biden differ on the factors behind US success and the merits of acknowledging the nation's historical flaws.
Supporters of Donald Trump and Joe Biden differ on the factors behind US success and the merits of acknowledging the nation's historical flaws.
One-quarter of United States lawmakers mentioned the term on Facebook or Twitter during the 116th Congress.
Neither party nets an overall advantage from the 9% of voters who have switched since 2018.
The gender gap in party identification remains the widest in a quarter century.
More than 11 million Asian Americans will be able to vote this year, making up nearly 5% of the eligible voters in the United States.
California has more immigrant eligible voters (5.5 million) than any other state, followed by New York, Florida, Texas and New Jersey.
Since 2000, the size of the immigrant electorate has nearly doubled. More than 23 million U.S. immigrants will be eligible to vote in the 2020 presidential election.
Most Latino registered voters (71%) say they want government to be more involved in solving the nation’s problems.
54% of Hispanics in the U.S. say establishing a way for most unauthorized immigrants to stay in the country legally is very important.
Latinos are expected for the first time to be the nation’s largest racial or ethnicity minority in a U.S. presidential election.