report | Oct 15, 2018

Little Partisan Agreement on the Pressing Problems Facing the U.S.

With less than four weeks until the midterm elections, Republican and Democratic voters differ widely in views of the seriousness of numerous problems facing the United States, including the fairness of the criminal justice system, climate change, economic inequality and illegal immigration. Majorities of registered voters who support Democratic candidates for Congress rate 13 of […]

short reads | Oct 11, 2018

Recent Chinese dealings with faith groups reflect a pattern of government restrictions on religion

While the Chinese government asserts that it protects religious freedom, a series of annual Pew Research Center reports on religious restrictions around the globe have detailed government efforts aimed at maintaining strict control over religious beliefs and practices in the country. Two recent events have brought this into focus: China’s agreement with the Vatican on […]

short reads | Oct 9, 2018

Most Americans view openness to foreigners as ‘essential to who we are as a nation’

For a large majority of Americans, the country’s openness to people from around the world “is essential to who we are as a nation.” In a new Pew Research Center survey, 68% say America’s openness to foreigners is a defining characteristic of the nation, while just 26% say “if America is too open to people from all over the world, we risk losing our identity as a nation.”

report | Oct 4, 2018

2018 Midterm Voters: Issues and Political Values

Supporters of Republican and Democratic candidates in the upcoming congressional election are deeply divided over the government’s role in ensuring health care, the fairness of the nation’s economic system and views of racial equality in the United States.

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