presentation | Apr 7, 2011

Grounding Digital Information Trends

Kristen Purcell's keynote address at the Museums and the Web annual conference, held April 6-10 in Philadelphia, PA.

presentation | Dec 2, 2009

Networked Learners

How technology has affected the way “digital natives” search for, gather and act on information.

report | May 13, 2008

What is reading?

Our recent study found there is a reciprocal relationship between different forms of media as electronic conventions seep, spring and even surge onto the printed page. The que...

presentation | Nov 7, 2005

National Trends, Fairfax Insights

National survey data is compared to an online survey of one Virginia county's public school email list to dig deeper into our understanding of the internet's impact on education, teens, and local government.

report | Sep 7, 2005

Professors and the internet

There is interesting, new research about college faculty use of the internet and their judgment about its impact on their students.

report | Aug 2, 2005

The Internet at School

There has been a 45% increase since 2000 in the number of teenagers who use the internet at school.

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