report | Aug 5, 2014

Modest Improvement in Views of Economic News

Survey Report Amid recent reports on the U.S. unemployment rate and gross domestic product, public views of economic news have improved modestly since February. A 64%-majority of the public says they are hearing “a mix of both good and bad news” about the economy these days, little changed over the last several months. But about […]

short reads | Jul 23, 2014

5 facts about the state of local TV newsrooms

Despite revenue from political ads and fees paid by cable and other companies to carry their programming, the picture for local TV newsrooms is a mixed one.

short reads | Jul 11, 2014

5 facts about alternative weeklies

This week’s 37th annual convention of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia comes at a time of challenge and turmoil in the “alt weekly” world. Here are 5 facts about trends in the industry.

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fact sheet | Sep 20, 2022

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Digital news has become an important part of Americans’ news media diets, with social media playing a crucial role in news consumption.