report | Mar 19, 2024

How Hispanic Americans Get Their News

U.S.-born Latinos mostly get their news in English and prefer it in English, while immigrant Latinos have much more varied habits.

short reads | Feb 21, 2024

Introducing the Pew-Knight Initiative

The Pew-Knight Initiative will deliver a comprehensive, real-time look at the information landscape from the standpoints of both consumers and producers of news.

report | Feb 6, 2024

Most Top-Ranked Podcasts Bring On Guests

Thousands of guests appeared on the top-ranked podcasts in 2022, but a relatively small number accounted for a majority of appearances. 76% of top-ranked podcasts brought on at least one guest in 2022, and 27% almost always or regularly featured guests.

fact sheet | Nov 15, 2023

News Platform Fact Sheet

The transition of the news industry away from print, television and radio into digital spaces has caused huge disruptions in the traditional news industry, especially the print news industry. Today, an overwhelming majority of Americans get news at least sometimes from digital devices.

fact sheet | Nov 15, 2023

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Social media is playing a crucial role in Americans' news consumption. Today, three-in-ten U.S. adults say they regularly get news on Facebook. Slightly fewer (26%) regularly get news on YouTube.

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