report | Jun 1, 2015

Millennials and Political News

Millennials rely on Facebook for their political news, while Baby Boomers turn to local TV. And while Millennials are less engaged with political news, they trust news sources as much as older generations do.

short reads | May 22, 2015

The declining value of U.S. newspapers

Over the past two decades, major newspapers across the country have seen a recurring cycle of ownership changes and steep declines in value.

short reads | Mar 26, 2015

The challenges of using Facebook for research

We wanted to analyze the role Facebook played as a means for people to hear about, discuss and share local news. But getting the data we needed wasn't easy.

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Signature Reports

fact sheet | Sep 20, 2022

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Digital news has become an important part of Americans’ news media diets, with social media playing a crucial role in news consumption.