report | Dec 20, 2002

Sniper Attacks Draw Most Public Interest in 2002

Introduction and Summary A series of horrifying sniper attacks in the Washington, D.C. area attracted the most public interest of any news story in 2002. But the growing prospects of war with Iraq, as well as the continuing threat of terrorism and the aftermath of 9/11, also drew high levels of attention throughout the year. […]

report | Nov 1, 2002

Local TV News Project 2002

In a year when the nation was changed by the war on terrorism, a recession and financial scandals, the Project for Excellence in Journalism's fifth annual study found that local television news remained largely unchanged. The study was published in the November/December 2002 issue of the Columbia Journalism Review.

report | Oct 22, 2002

Why Has TV Stopped Covering Politics?

Typical questions used by TV consultants are poorly designed. Asking questions differently reveals an overwhelming interest in learning about politics.

report | Jun 9, 2002

Public’s News Habits Little Changed by September 11

Introduction and Summary The public’s news habits have been largely unaffected by the Sept. 11 attacks and subsequent war on terrorism. Reported levels of reading, watching and listening to the news are not markedly different than in the spring of 2000. At best, a slightly larger percentage of the public is expressing general interest in […]

report | May 23, 2002

The War on Terrorism

The news Americans see on network television has softened considerably since 2001l, to the point that it looks more like it did before the terrorist attacks than immediately after.

report | Mar 18, 2002

The Letterman Fiasco Holds a Lesson for Disney

For the sake of argument, put the public interest aside. Forget that broadcast airwaves are public property. Strictly in economic terms, the Walt Disney Co. got lucky when it failed to woo David Letterman to join ABC. The public nature of the Letterman embarrassment has granted Disney something rare ...

report | Mar 6, 2002

Why We Need ‘Nightline’

What's left of broadcast television journalism is at stake now, many in the business believe, in the war within the Disney Co. over whether to replace "Nightline" with the late-night comedy of David Letterman. The people who run Disney seem intent on displacing "Nightline" ...

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fact sheet | Sep 20, 2022

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Digital news has become an important part of Americans’ news media diets, with social media playing a crucial role in news consumption.