report | Jun 11, 2007

A Spiritual Network Grows On The Net

There have been a few twists and turns in the eight-year history of, the faith-oriented web site. But the outlet, which recently captured a major National Magazine Award, has reinvented itself by trying to turn a potentially polarizing subject into an all-inclusive gathering place.

report | Jun 11, 2007

Paris Has the Media Burning

The biggest stories last week were driven by Republican and Democratic presidential debates, the apparent defeat of the compromise immigration bill, and an increasing war of words between the United States and Russia. But the tale of one celebrity’s interrupted incarceration generated a lot of late-week coverage.

report | Jun 7, 2007

Public Wants to Know More about Darfur and Many Favor U.S. Involvement

As world leaders gather in Germany for the annual G-8 meeting, the humanitarian crisis in Darfur will be high on their agenda. Pew's latest surveys find nearly half of Americans believing the United States has a moral obligation to do something about the ethnic genocide there, and a modest plurality thinking the U.S. should send troops.

report | Jun 7, 2007

Talk Hosts Opt For Politics Over The ‘TB Traveler’

The cable and radio talk shows were buzzing about Hillary Clinton, Fred Thompson, and even Michelle Obama last week. And they were still on the offensive on the new immigration bill. But for all its many angles, the saga of the young tuberculosis-infected lawyer attracted only tepid interest.

report | Jun 7, 2007

Tuberculosis Story: Lots of Coverage, Lots of Interest

Summary of Findings News about an Atlanta man infected with a dangerous form of tuberculosis drew a large audience last week. The saga of the man’s illness and his travels abroad was the second most closely followed news story of the week – trailing only the situation in Iraq. Nearly a quarter of the public […]

report | Jun 4, 2007

The Infamous ‘TB Traveler’ is the Top Story

There was a grim milestone for U.S. troops in Iraq and one potential GOP presidential hopeful moved closer to making it official. But the biggest news last week was an international medical mystery with more plot twists than a novel and potentially serious implications for the nation’s security in an era of daunting man-made and natural threats.

report | Jun 1, 2007

Down For The Count

For years, magazine watchers relied on monthly advertising reports known as "PIBs" to gauge the health of the industry. Recently, the "PIBs" were cut back from 12 a year to only four. A magazine trade organization says that’s an attempt to provide more meaningful data, but analysts suggest it’s also a reflection of tough economic times.

report | Jun 1, 2007

Political Divide in Views of Campaign Coverage

Summary of Findings At this early stage of the 2008 campaign, about half of the public believes that press coverage of the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates has been fair. But there are sizable partisan differences in evaluations of campaign coverage. Notably, a plurality of Republicans believes the press has gone too easy on Democratic […]

report | May 31, 2007

Talk Hosts Score the Big Fights

The debates over immigration policy and Iraq war strategy were the most popular topics on cable and radio talk shows last week. The 2008 presidential race also attracted lots of attention, again. But two nasty political tiffs got on the talkers’ radar screen as well.

report | May 30, 2007

Gas Prices Grab the Public’s Attention

Interest in news about inflation at the pump goes beyond learning where to find the cheapest gallon and extends to impacts on the national economy.

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fact sheet | Sep 20, 2022

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Digital news has become an important part of Americans’ news media diets, with social media playing a crucial role in news consumption.