report | Jul 19, 2007

Is the Fairness Doctrine Fair Game?

The rule requiring broadcasters to balance views aired on controversial subjects was repealed 20 years ago. Yet in recent weeks, debate about the Fairness Doctrine has re-emerged in media circles -- especially on talk radio.

report | Jul 19, 2007

News of the Week Doesn’t Grab Public’s Attention

Summary of Findings While the media focused intently last week on the escalating debate over U.S. policy in Iraq, the public took a typical summer hiatus from the major news stories of the week. The Iraq war, rather than the policy debate, was the news story the public focused on most closely, but even attention […]

report | Jul 18, 2007

Is The Fairness Doctrine Fair Game?

It’s been off the books since the FCC repealed it two decades ago. But an old rule regulating content on the airwaves has suddenly become a topic on Capitol Hill and on the talk radio circuit. Is the Fairness Doctrine really headed for a comeback?

report | Jul 16, 2007

War Debate Returns with a Vengeance

After dominating news coverage for the first three months of the year, the disagreement over U.S. strategy in Iraq took a back seat in recent weeks to such topics as the presidential campaign and the battle over immigration. But what happened last week in Washington re-ignited old passions and re-engaged the press.

report | Jul 12, 2007

Election 2008

The presidential hopefuls are using their web sites for unprecedented two-way communication with citizens. But what are voters learning here? Is it more than a way to bypass the media? A new PEJ study of 19 campaign sites finds Democrats are more interactive, Republicans are more likely to talk about “values,” and neither wants to talk about ideology.

report | Jul 12, 2007

Campaign Internet Videos: Viewed More on TV than Online

Summary of Findings Short videos produced for the internet are becoming an important component of campaign news. In some cases, candidates themselves are producing videos and releasing them on their campaign websites. Candidates also are seeing their own gaffes or embarrassing moments packaged in a brief video and put up on the web for all […]

report | Jul 9, 2007

The “Doctors’ Plot” is Number One

President Bush triggered a major political brouhaha when he commuted the sentence of Lewis “Scooter” Libby. And the campaign fundraising numbers brought good and bad tidings to various presidential contenders. But a surprising twist in the U.K. terror saga dominated the media agenda last week.

report | Jul 5, 2007

Lou Dobbs Takes a Victory Lap

The demise of the immigration bill that was so vocally opposed by so many talk hosts dominated the airwaves last week. But the nation’s radio and cable talkers were also interested in Paris Hilton’s freedom, the grisly murder/suicide spree of a pro wrestler and a nasty dustup between the wife of a Democratic presidential hopeful and a controversial conservative commentator.

report | Jul 5, 2007

British Car Bombs Top News Interest

Summary of Findings Dramatic events in London and Scotland last week attracted a large news audience. Roughly a third of the public paid very close attention to news that British police had found and defused two car bombs in London, and another 31% followed the story fairly closely. Fully 21% said this was the single […]

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fact sheet | Sep 20, 2022

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Digital news has become an important part of Americans’ news media diets, with social media playing a crucial role in news consumption.