report | Aug 6, 2009

Many Fault Media Coverage of Health Care Debate

Summary of Findings As the fight in Washington over health care reform continues to dominate public attention and media coverage, most Americans are critical of the way news organizations are explaining key elements of the debate. News about proposed health care legislation was the most closely followed story of last week, just as it had […]

report | Aug 6, 2009

Blogs Chew Over Food and Health while Iran Surges on Twitter

The conversation in the blogosphere last week focused on two stories that challenged conventional wisdom about healthy food. On Twitter, the protests in Iran dominated at a level not seen since the unrest began in mid-June. And the most-viewed news video featured some on-air cable flirting.

report | Aug 5, 2009

Grim Employment Picture for Communication Grads

The 2008 class of journalism and communications graduates is suffering the worst job prospects on record, according to a new report from the University of Georgia. And as those numbers seem to be reflected in growing pessimism about the news industry among degree recipients, it’s forcing many of them to be more flexible about career aspirations.

report | Aug 3, 2009

High-Stakes Health Care Fight Drives the News

The polarizing debate over health care policy was the No. 1 story for the second week in a row—with much of the coverage focused on the implications for Barack Obama. Meanwhile, economic news took a turn for the optimistic and the “birthers” got 15 minutes (and maybe more) in the media spotlight.

report | Jul 30, 2009

Health Care Front-And-Center on Public’s News Agenda

Summary of Findings The public sharpened its focus on health care reform last week, following news about the debate in Washington more closely than any other story. Interest in health care reform has steadily increased in recent weeks as coverage – including a prime-time presidential news conference – has intensified. Nearly a third (31%) name […]

report | Jul 30, 2009

Bloggers Seize on Obama’s Slipping Poll Numbers

While the mainstream press focused on the health care battle last week, the online conversation centered on sobering survey results for President Obama. Bloggers also jumped into the racially charged “Skip” Gates case. Iran was again the hot Twitter topic and a confrontation between David Beckham and angry soccer fans led on YouTube.

report | Jul 29, 2009

Health News Coverage in the U.S. Media, Early 2009

Coverage of health news is on the rise according to an examination of media coverage from January to June 2009. Which health news topics generated the biggest headlines in 2009? What media sectors pay the most attention to health care? These questions and more are answered in a new study, produced by PEJ and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

report | Jul 27, 2009

From Health Care to “Skip” Gates, Obama Makes Big News

With the political battle over health care legislation intensifying in Washington, that subject generated its highest level of coverage, by far, last week. But a remark by the president at the end of his health care press conference quickly changed the news agenda.

report | Jul 23, 2009

Once Again, Sarah Palin and Iran Draw the Attention of Social Media

Contrary to the mainstream media focus on the Sotomayor confirmation hearings last week, social media reflected a very different news agenda. On blogs, Sarah Palin’s political future and views on energy policy dominated. On Twitter, Iran led the conversation for a fifth week in a row. And on YouTube, a controversy over a photo of President Obama was resolved.

report | Jul 22, 2009

Health Care: Important, Interesting, But Hard to Follow

Summary of Findings The debate over revamping the nation’s health care system is drawing increased public attention. A third (33%) say they are following the health care debate very closely, up from 24% the previous week. And while news coverage of health care also increased over the past week, a sizable minority of Americans (45%) […]

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Signature Reports

fact sheet | Sep 20, 2022

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Digital news has become an important part of Americans’ news media diets, with social media playing a crucial role in news consumption.