report | May 22, 2014

The EU Elections on Twitter

An analysis of the Twitter conversation on the eve of the European Union elections suggest that those social media users are divided on the value of the EU and not particularly excited about the candidates for the European Commission presidency.

short reads | May 20, 2014

EU’s mood: A country by country tour

The latest survey results from seven European Union countries reveals a wide range of views across the region about the economy, the future and the EU itself. Just ahead of the parliamentary elections, here’s a tour of the sentiment expressed by the public in each nation.

short reads | May 15, 2014

Net neutrality: A made-for-web debate

The complex issue of net neutrality is not likely to be dinner conversation for many in the U.S. Still, the Federal Communications Commission vote expected today could dramatically impact the flow of digital content Americans receive, not to mention the bottom line for many major U.S. technology and content companies. So, where could the public […]

short reads | May 12, 2014

The acquisition binge in local TV

Media companies have dramatically expanding their local television holdings in recent years. Five companies own one-third of the about 1,400 local TV stations in the country.

short reads | Apr 17, 2014

Five findings about digital video news

News audiences are watching more digital news video than ever before and newsrooms are investing in creating more video content.

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