report | Dec 18, 2001

Terrorism Transforms News Interest

Introduction and Summary For the first eight months of 2001, public interest in the news was modest at best. The rising price of gas and China’s release of a detained American air crew were the only stories to attract close attention from majorities of the public. Other big stories ­ President Bush’s first year, the […]

report | Nov 28, 2001

Terror Coverage Boost News Media’s Images

Introduction and Summary These are the best of times and the worst of times for the news media when it comes to public support. By and large, Americans continue to praise the press for its coverage of the war on terrorism, here and abroad. So much so that the general image of the media has, […]

report | Nov 20, 2001

Cities Online: Urban Development and the Internet

This report examines how institutions in five cities (Austin, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; Nashville, Tennessee; Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C.) are adapting to the Internet as an economic development and community-building tool. The experiences in these communities suggests that the Internet is best used to encourage bottom-up initiatives, encourage and nurture catalytic individuals in communities, encourage public funding for technology programs, encourage “bridging” among groups, and encourage experimentation.

report | Nov 19, 2001

Before And After

The war on terrorism has caused a colossal shift in the news people see on network television.

report | Nov 1, 2001

Local TV News Project 2001

Local newsrooms beset by sponsor interference, budget cuts, layoffs, and added programming.

report | Oct 22, 2001

Attacks at Home Draw More Interest than War Abroad

Introduction and Summary As reports of anthrax attacks dominate the media, the public is paying far greater attention to news of terrorism at home than to the war in Afghanistan. Interest in terrorist attacks is now running as high as during the early days after Sept. 11 – fully 78% are following news of terrorism […]

report | Oct 15, 2001

Public Remains Steady in Face of Anthrax Scare

Introduction and Summary Reports of new anthrax cases in New York and elsewhere are not raising public anxiety or further demoralizing Americans. Reports of depression, sleeplessness and concern over renewed terrorism have not increased following the news on Oct. 12 that an NBC employee had been infected with anthrax. In the wake of those reports, […]

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