report | Jan 25, 2007
How did the press cover the President’s State of the Union address? Did it emphasize his domestic policy agenda or did Iraq policy grab the headlines? Did the media focus on his appeal for another chance on Iraq or his defiance on that subject? A PEJ review of front-page headlines on the day after finds the answers.
report | Jan 24, 2007
It may come as no surprise that the president’s Iraq strategy was the hottest topic on cable and radio talk shows last week. But the second edition of the PEJ Talk Show Index also reveals that the idea of a Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton battle for Democratic hearts and minds got tongues wagging and pundits pontificating.
report | Jan 22, 2007
The continuing debate over the president’s strategy for Iraq kept that subject atop PEJ’s News Coverage Index for the week of January 14-19. But the tale of kidnapped Missouri boys, a nasty blast of winter, and the Barack Obama bandwagon also generated major coverage in a busy and varied news week.
report | Jan 17, 2007
While the President’s plan to commit 22,000 more troops to Iraq dominated the media agenda last week, it was an even bigger story in the radio and cable talk show universe, according to the first edition of the new PEJ Talk Show Index. From Rush Limbaugh to Keith Olbermann, talk hosts across the political spectrum weighed in on the surge, mirroring the raging debate in Washington and throughout the country.
report | Jan 17, 2007
Twice as many Americans used the internet as their primary source of news about the 2006 campaign compared with the most recent mid-term election in 2002.
report | Jan 15, 2007
President Bush's decision to send more troops to Iraq, and the reaction from Capitol Hill to Baghdad, overwhelmed virtually every other event in the media last week. The only non-Iraq stories to crack PEJ's News Coverage Index Top 5 last week were the Democrats in Congress and U.S. military strikes in Somalia.
report | Jan 8, 2007
Nancy Pelosi's swearing in as the first female Speaker of the House turned the Congressional transfer of power into the top story of the inaugural edition of PEJ's weekly News Coverage Index. Gerald Ford's funeral, the policy debate in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein's hanging also were among the top stories in the American news media the first week of 2007.
report | Jan 4, 2007
More than three years ago, in the wake of the Jayson Blair scandal, the New York Times announced it would hire its first-ever public editor or ombudsman to act as an independent monitor of the paper. Now a published report raises the issue of whether the Times is thinking about eliminating the position. Such a decision would likely reverberate throughout the newspaper industry. What are Times officials thinking?
report | Jan 3, 2007
The impact of the internet is evident in many ways in China
report | Dec 20, 2006
Once again, public opinion played a major role in the most important news stories of the year. Some of the strongest 2006 trends in public opinion carried over from previous years -- notably growing concern about the Iraq war and mounting dissatisfaction with the performance of the Republican-controlled Congress.