report | Mar 8, 2007
The jury has spoken in the perjury and obstruction trial of Scooter Libby that so intimately involved the journalism profession itself. We know the vice-president's former top aide was found guilty. But who and what else did the media implicate in its post-verdict coverage?
report | Mar 7, 2007
The jury has spoken in the perjury and obstruction trial of Scooter Libby that so intimately involved the journalism profession itself. We know the Vice President’s former top aide was found guilty. But who or what else did the media implicate in its post-verdict coverage?
report | Mar 7, 2007
More so than any time this year, no single story dominated the news last week. But a number of sudden events and slowly developing subjects found their way into the headlines. Anna Nicole Smith faded, Al Gore re-emerged, and Bob Woodruff came back home to ABC.
report | Mar 1, 2007
Summary of Findings Anna Nicole Smith’s death and the bizarre aftermath continue to fascinate a significant segment of the American public and the mainstream media. During the second full week of coverage of the story, interest remained steady and coverage actually increased – as portions of the legal proceedings concerning her body were carried live […]
report | Mar 1, 2007
The endless parade of Anna Nicole Smith legal proceedings was still a source of fascination for the cable talk hosts last week. But their radio counterparts opted for another favored subject—and it was open season on the 2008 campaign season.
report | Feb 26, 2007
A sparring match between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama helped make the 2008 campaign the biggest story in the news last week. And a strange judge kept the Anna Nicole Smith case in the headlines. But it was a Washington Post investigation that created the biggest waves.
report | Feb 23, 2007
Summary of Findings The public and the news media divided their attention last week among the top international stories, harsh winter weather, politics and the ongoing saga surrounding the death of Anna Nicole Smith. The Iraq war remained the No. 1 story both in terms of public interest and news coverage, however, the public hung […]
report | Feb 22, 2007
Even in a week with North Korea, Iran, Anna Nicole, and Hillary on the front burner, it’s U.S. strategy in the Iraq war that commands the talk airwaves. And the dominance of that debate reveals something about the nature of the talk show culture.
report | Feb 20, 2007
For much of 2007, the conflict in Iraq has dominated news coverage. Last week, a scenario that had largely been confined to a few cable hosts—the role of Iran and the possibility of war there—made its way onto the media agenda.
report | Feb 16, 2007
Summary of Findings Most Americans feel the press has gone overboard in covering the death of Anna Nicole Smith. Fully 61% believe the Smith story has been overcovered, far more than the number saying that about any other recent story. Even so, a sizable minority (11%) followed Smith’s death more closely than any of last […]