report | Jan 11, 2004
Summary of Findings The 2004 presidential campaign is continuing the long-term shift in how the public gets its election news. Television news remains dominant, but there has been further erosion in the audience for broadcast TV news. The Internet, a relatively minor source for campaign news in 2000, is now on par with such traditional […]
report | Aug 31, 2003
Half of Americans fear terrorists might mount successful cyber-attacks against key American utilities and businesses.
report | Jul 13, 2003
Summary of Findings Opposition to a Federal Communications Commission decision to loosen media cross-ownership restrictions has increased sharply since February, as more Americans have learned about the plan. Overall, half say the FCC decision would have a negative impact on the country, up from 34% in February. Just 10% believe the effect of the rules […]
report | Apr 3, 2003
A PEJ analysis of embedded coverage found it was largely anecdotal, combat-focused and live and unedited.
report | Apr 1, 2003
In the early days of the war with Iraq, 77% of online Americans used the Internet in some connection with the war. They went online to get information about the war, to learn and share differing opinions about the conflict, to send and receive emails about events, to express their views and to offer prayers.
report | Mar 25, 2003
Introduction and Summary Over the past two days the American public has become much less confident that the war in Iraq is going well, but large majorities continue to support President Bush and the decision to go to war. Polling on March 23-24 finds significantly fewer Americans thinking the war is going very well compared […]
report | Jan 5, 2003
Introduction and Summary More Americans used the Internet to get campaign information in 2002 than during the last midterm election four years ago. While much of this increase has come from the overall growth in the online population, a higher proportion of Internet users sought election news than did so four years ago (22% now, […]
report | Dec 29, 2002
Americans expect to find what they are looking for online in news, health care, government information, and shopping.
report | Nov 1, 2002
In a year when the nation was changed by the war on terrorism, a recession and financial scandals, the Project for Excellence in Journalism's fifth annual study found that local television news remained largely unchanged. The study was published in the November/December 2002 issue of the Columbia Journalism Review.
report | Oct 22, 2002
Typical questions used by TV consultants are poorly designed. Asking questions differently reveals an overwhelming interest in learning about politics.