report | Feb 7, 2012

On Twitter, Still Tough Going for Komen

After the furor over its decision to defund Planned Parenthood, the Susan G. Komen foundation reversed course and a key official resigned.

report | Dec 21, 2011

The Year in News 2011

What stories and which people generated the most news coverage in 2011? PEJ's annual Year in the News report offers answers. The Year in News 2011 Interactive allows users to explore the data for themselves.

report | Dec 8, 2011

Twitter and the Campaign

A new PEJ study of the Twitter campaign conversation using computer technology reveals how the White House hopefuls fared, examines differences between the political discussions on Twitter and blogs, and updates the tone of the candidates’ news narratives.

report | Nov 14, 2011

How Mainstream Media Outlets Use Twitter

Twitter has been embraced by news organizations today, but is used in limited ways, according to a new study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism and The George Washington University.

report | Oct 25, 2011

The Tablet Revolution

Key findings from a survey report on tablet news consumption by the Project for Excellence in collaboration with the Economist Group.

report | Sep 26, 2011

How People Learn About Their Local Community

How do people get news and information about the community where they live? Traditional research has suggested that Americans watch local TV news more than any other local information source. But a new report by the PEJ and the Pew Internet and American Life Project, in association with the Knight Foundation offers a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem of community information.

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