report | Sep 12, 2007

The Latest News Headlines—Your Vote Counts

What would a world in which citizens set the news agenda rather than editors look like? A new PEJ study comparing user-news sites, like Digg,,and Reddit, with mainstream news outlets provides some initial answers. The snapshot suggests both a drastically different set of topics and information sources.

report | Jul 12, 2007

Election 2008

The presidential hopefuls are using their web sites for unprecedented two-way communication with citizens. But what are voters learning here? Is it more than a way to bypass the media? A new PEJ study of 19 campaign sites finds Democrats are more interactive, Republicans are more likely to talk about “values,” and neither wants to talk about ideology.

report | Jun 11, 2007

A Spiritual Network Grows On The Net

There have been a few twists and turns in the eight-year history of, the faith-oriented web site. But the outlet, which recently captured a major National Magazine Award, has reinvented itself by trying to turn a potentially polarizing subject into an all-inclusive gathering place.

report | May 11, 2007

The Military’s Iraq Channel on You Tube

Looking for a way to get out its message in Iraq, the U.S. Multi-National Force Iraq has turned to You Tube and has found some success with users who have made the site one of this month’s most popular. The site aims to use footage shot by military personnel to give a fuller picture of Iraq, a spokesman says. PEJ examines the effort.

report | Dec 20, 2006

From Charles Lindbergh to … You

Some critics have assailed Time magazine’s choice for 2006 Person of the Year in recent days, calling the editors’ selection of “You” with a mirror on the cover gimmicky. But this wasn’t the first unconventional choice for Time’s honor – or the first time a group of people was selected. PEJ takes stock of Time’s past Persons of the Year from 1927 on.

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