report | Dec 15, 2006
It’s hard to know whether the universe of satellite radio companies is about to be cut in half. Is Sirius Radio boss Mel Karmazin’s talk about a merger between his company and XM Radio simply chatter or a prelude to a deal? Any union of the two intensely competitive satellite radio services would have to pass regulatory muster. Here’s a look at how the two satellite radio services stack up.
report | Nov 22, 2006
Some 12% of internet users say they have downloaded a podcast so they can listen to it or view it at a later time.
report | Jul 19, 2006
Where does audio (or radio) lie on the fragmenting old media vs. new media spectrum? Can this medium, with its long, rich history, evolve to fit a changing information universe, or is it an endangered species?
report | Jul 19, 2006
A primer on podcasting - includes sections on audience data, where to go to download podcasts, the economics of the medium, and tips on how one can create a podcast.