feature | Sep 5, 2019

How does a computer ‘see’ gender?

A computer can be trained to predict whether an image shows a man or a woman. Can you identify which parts of the face are most essential to the computer’s decision?

short reads | Jul 16, 2019

How is polling done around the world?

The Center conducts polls in many countries other than the U.S. – but the methodology behind our international surveys can vary.

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Signature Reports

report | Nov 19, 2019

A Field Guide to Polling: Election 2020 Edition

While survey research in the United States is a year-round undertaking, the public’s focus on polling is never more intense than during the run-up to a presidential election.

report | Mar 31, 2017

Are Telephone Polls Understating Support for Trump?

An experiment comparing responses to 27 questions fielded on both a telephone and a web survey found no significant mode differences in overall opinion about Trump or many of his signature policy positions.