report | Mar 16, 2015

Americans’ Privacy Strategies Post-Snowden

Nearly two years after Snowden's revelations, 87% of Americans say they have heard about U.S. surveillance programs. Among them, 25% say they have changed their own technological behaviors in some way.

short reads | Feb 5, 2015

5 key takeaways about how investigative reporters view their digital security

As journalism becomes an increasingly digital practice, the data and communications of investigative journalists have become vulnerable to hackers, government surveillance and legal threats. But what are these vulnerabilities – and what steps have investigative journalists taken to protect themselves?

report | Dec 18, 2014

The Future of Privacy

Will governments and corporations expand current tracking policies? Or will innovators create new ways for individuals to control personal information? Experts are divided on whether a secure and balanced privacy-rights infrastructure will be in place by 2025.

feature | Dec 18, 2014

Privacy in 2025: Experts’ Predictions

We canvassed thousands of experts to ask them to predict the future of privacy in America and found they were divided on whether or not a secure, trusted privacy-rights infrastructure would be in place by 2025.

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