report | Jun 26, 2012

Cell Internet Use 2012

17% of cell phone owners do most of their online browsing on their phone, rather than a computer or other device. Most do so for convenience, but for some their phone is their only option for online access.

presentation | Jun 24, 2012

The Rise of E-Reading

Director Lee Rainie shared recent survey findings and other research about the rise of e-books, their impact on people’s reading habits, and the way that library patrons are hoping to avail themselves of e-book borrowing. He also explored general ...

report | Jun 22, 2012

Libraries, patrons, and e-books

12% of e-book readers have borrowed an e-book from a library. Those who use libraries are pretty heavy readers, but most are not aware they can borrow e-books.

presentation | Jun 13, 2012

Mobile Philanthropy

How mobile/social tools are changing the way Americans give to and interact with organizations

report | Jun 8, 2012

Unpacking self-tracking

Pew Internet asked two questions about "self-tracking" in 2010 - how should we expand this area of our research?

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