One voice, many inflections
Susannah Fox will present the latest research on how mobile, social technologies are transforming health and health care in the U.S. and abroad.
Susannah Fox will present the latest research on how mobile, social technologies are transforming health and health care in the U.S. and abroad.
Are you planning to wish your mom a Happy Mother’s Day on Facebook? If so, you’re not alone. “Moms” (defined as women with a child or children under the age of 18 living at home) are especially likely to be Facebook users, even compared with dads, or with other women, according to Pew Research Center’s 2012 […]
Amanda Lenhart spoke at the National Academies “Health, Safety & Well-Being of Young Adults” Symposium on May 7 in Washington, D.C.
Lee Rainie will discuss the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project’s latest research on how people get, share and create information in the digital age. Rainie will also discuss the Project’s specific findings on the rise of e-pati...
The Twitter debate about gun control has taken many twists and turns since the Newtown killings, according to a new Pew Research Report that looks at the mainstream coverage and social media conversation on that issue. Which terms did the media most often invoke when discussing gun control? And how big a factor was President Obama in driving the narrative about it?
Online traditional political activities are most popular among the well-educated and the financially well-off
The well-educated and the well-off are more likely than others to participate in civic life online, just as those groups have always been more likely to be active in politics and community affairs offline.
Lee Rainie discussed the Project’s latest research about how people use technology and how people use libraries, and the implications of this work for libraries.
Pew Internet Director Lee Rainie will discuss the Project’s latest research into internet trends, mobile connectivity, and use of social media and what they mean for marketers.
One of the recurring themes of my work is to remind people that today is just a moment in time, that things will change -- that things have changed even if you personally can't see it yet.