report | Oct 18, 2013

Tablet and E-reader Ownership Update

Up from 25% last year, more than half of those in households earning $75,000 or more now have tablets. Up from 19% last year, 38% of those in upper-income households now have e-readers.

presentation | Jun 29, 2013

The Myth and the Reality of the Evolving Patron

The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) will host Lee Rainie for “The Myth and the Reality of the Evolving Patron: The RUSA President’s Program” on Saturday, June 29 at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

presentation | Jun 13, 2013

The reinvention of libraries

Lee Rainie, the Director of the Pew Internet Project, will present the Project's latest findings about the changing role of libraries and patrons' interest in new services. He will also describe Project research on the way people use mobile device...

short reads | May 28, 2013

In a digital age, parents value printed books for their kids

Parents who have young children at home are a relatively tech-savvy group. They are more likely than other adults to have computers, internet access, smartphones, and tablet computers. They are also more likely than adults without children to read e-books. But as parents adapt new reading habits for themselves on electronic devices, the data show that print books remain important when it comes to their children.

presentation | May 10, 2013

Tech trends and library services in the digital age

Research analyst Kathryn Zickuhr discussed key findings from the Pew Research Center's multi-year study of public libraries, as well as larger trends in how Americans use technology.

presentation | Apr 24, 2013

The changing world of librarians

Lee Rainie discussed the Project’s latest research about how people use technology and how people use libraries, and the implications of this work for libraries.

report | Mar 18, 2013

“What should I read next?”

It’s a question that librarians, booksellers, and others have heard often, perhaps even more so at a time when the output and availability of the written word has never been higher. And it’s a question that new book-recommendation sites such as Bookish and BookScout are trying to answer, joining a plethora of communities and services already trying to navigate the tricky task of helping you decide which book to pick up next.

report | Jan 25, 2013

Other library links and news around the web

While we hope you’ve had a chance to read our new report on library services that just came out this week, there are some other great links out there that you should be sure to check out.

report | Jan 22, 2013

Library Services in the Digital Age

The internet has already had a major impact on how people find and access information, and now the rising popularity of e-books is helping transform Americans’ reading habits. In this changing landscape, public libraries are trying to adjust their services to these new realities while still serving the needs of patrons who rely on more traditional resources.

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