The Web at 25 in the U.S.
The overall verdict: The internet has been a plus for society and an especially good thing for individual users
The overall verdict: The internet has been a plus for society and an especially good thing for individual users
A median of 78% of mobile phone owners in emerging countries used their devices for texting.
After centuries of using the postal service and in-person visits, U.S. will experiment with contacting people by email or text, pushing them to respond online.
A majority of Kenyans make or receive payments using cell phones.
Technology usage is strongly correlated with national income across the countries surveyed. Countries with a higher GDP per capita generally have higher rates of smartphone ownership and internet and social networking use, while poorer countries tend to have lower rates of technology usage. Mouse over the countries below to reveal technology use and GDP per […]
The proportion of Americans who read e-books is growing, but few have completely replaced print books for electronic versions.
Number of states that ban texting while driving.
Amanda Lenhart presents nine major themes from the Project’s five-report series on Teens and Online Privacy
54% of internet users have posted original photos or videos to websites and 47% share photos or videos they found elsewhere online. Young adults and women lead the way in each of these activities.
Susannah Fox will deliver a keynote address to a symposium hosted by the University of Maryland Health Sciences & Human Services Library in Baltimore