report | Sep 3, 2009
Older adults are staying in the labor force longer, and younger adults are staying out of it longer. Both trends intensified with the recession and are expected to continue after the economy recovers. One reason: Older workers value not just a paycheck, but the psychological and social rewards.
report | Sep 3, 2009
The American work force is graying -- and not just because the American population itself is graying. Older adults are staying in the labor force longer, and younger adults are staying out of it longer.
short reads | Aug 28, 2009
Half of all Americans like the Beatles a lot, placing them at the top of a 20-artist popularity contest.
report | Aug 19, 2009
The Project first surveyed teenagers about their mobile phones in 2004 when a survey showed that 45% of teens had a cell phone. Since then mobile phone use has climbed steadily among teens to 63% in 2006 and 71% in 2008.
report | Aug 12, 2009
They have different values, beliefs and lifestyles, but young and old today are disagreeing without being disagreeable. Both also share a fondness for Woodstock-era rock and roll.
report | Aug 7, 2009
If a latter-day Ponce de Leon were to search for a modern fountain of youth, he'd do well to explore America's West. There he'd find the highest concentration of older adults in the United States who don't think of themselves as old.
short reads | Jul 13, 2009
Most Americans believe there is a major difference between the views of younger and older people, and more than said so in 1969.
short reads | Jul 13, 2009
American life is driven by the automobile; not only is a car seen as an overwhelming necessity but most say not driving is a clear sign of old age.
report | Jun 29, 2009
There is a sizable gap between the expectations that young and middle-aged adults have about old age and the actual experiences reported by older adults themselves.
short reads | Jun 15, 2009
Six-in-ten Gen Nexters completely agree that it is their duty to always vote.