presentation | Feb 9, 2011

Trends in Teen Communication and Social Media Use

Kristen Purcell presents Pew Internet findings on teen communication and social media use as part of a joint webinar with the Girl Scout Research Institute. (Updated with slides)

report | Feb 3, 2011

A closer look at generations and cell phone ownership

Eighty-five percent of Americans age 18 and older own a cell phone, and one-third (33%) of those who do not own a cell phone live in a household with at least one working mobile phone. This means that overall, overall, 90% of all adults live in a hou...

report | Feb 3, 2011

Generations and their gadgets

While many devices have become popular across generations, younger adults are leading the way in increased mobility, preferring laptops to desktops and using their cell phones for a variety of functions.

short reads | Jan 6, 2011

Boomers and Social Change

Members of the Baby Boom generation align more closely with younger generations than with older ones on most social issues.

report | Dec 20, 2010

Baby Boomers Approach 65 – Glumly

As the leading edge of the giant Baby Boomer generation turns 65 on January 1, 2011, a Pew Research roundup of new and recent surveys finds that this age group is more downbeat than others about the trajectory of their lives and the direction of the nation as a whole. This report explores Boomers’ political and social values; their economic hopes and fears and their overall satisfaction with life.

report | Dec 16, 2010

Generations 2010

Major trends in how different generations of Americans use the internet

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