report | Nov 16, 2018

Public Attitudes Toward Computer Algorithms

Despite the growing presence of algorithms in daily life, the U.S. public expresses broad concerns over the fairness and effectiveness of computer programs making important decisions.

short reads | Nov 2, 2018

Newsroom employees are less diverse than U.S. workers overall

Newsroom employees are more likely to be white and male than U.S. workers overall. There are signs, though, of a turning tide: Younger newsroom employees show greater racial, ethnic and gender diversity than their older colleagues, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.

report | Sep 20, 2018

Women and Leadership 2018

A majority of Americans would like to see more women in top leadership positions in business and politics, but many are skeptical there will ever be gender parity in these areas. Views about the state of female leadership vary by party and gender.

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