report | May 12, 2011
The online conversation about health is being driven forward by two forces: 1) the availability of social tools and 2) the motivation, especially among people living with chronic conditions, to connect with each other.
presentation | May 4, 2011
Susannah Fox presented the Project's latest findings on how mobile access is affecting health and health care.
presentation | Apr 14, 2011
Susannah Fox will participate in the first working meeting of the Open mHealth Public-Private Partnership in Washington, DC.
report | Apr 6, 2011
Over 200 pages of health-related survey questions fielded by the Pew Internet Project.
report | Apr 4, 2011
Macro and micro health news and how the two combined to create one great story about online communities.
report | Mar 23, 2011
What if all the knowledge and insights shared at a White House event on HIV/AIDS could be shared across all the social networks that people have access to?
presentation | Mar 11, 2011
Susannah Fox presented Pew Internet's latest research on peer-to-peer healthcare and mobile access.
report | Feb 1, 2011
Food safety, drug safety, and pregnancy information are among eight new topics included in our survey, which finds that 80% of internet users gather health information online.
report | Jan 26, 2011
People living with disability are less likely than other adults in the U.S. to use the internet: 54%, compared with 81%. The first question many people ask when they hear that is, Why? The second is, What can be done? The third is, or should be, W...
report | Jan 21, 2011
People living with disability are less likely than other adults to use the internet.