Mom the Good Homemaker
Being good at household chores is ranked at the bottom of a list of important traits for a good wife/partner.
Being good at household chores is ranked at the bottom of a list of important traits for a good wife/partner.
Being a good father is ranked as the most important trait of a good husband/partner by nearly everyone.
Nine-in-ten regular Sean Hannity viewers say they see a lot of bias in news coverage.
More than seven-in-ten regular "Colbert Report" watchers say they prefer news delivered by sources with no apparent point of view.
Compared with most other western nations, the U.S. has one of the highest marriage rates as well as one of the highest divorce rates.
Fully 76% of Rush Limbaugh's regular listeners say they support the NRA whereas only 13% of regular New York Times readers say the same.
Today, more than four-in-ten American adults have at least one step relative in their family – either a stepparent, a step or half sibling or a stepchild.
Neither the trouncing of the Democratic Party in the midterm elections nor the surprising legislative accomplishments of the “lame duck” Congress has had a measurable effect on opinions of Barack Obama.
More than half of online adults use Wikipedia -- which celebrates its 10th anniversary this Saturday -- to look for information.
The politics behind the 112th Congress led the online conversation last week as bloggers jousted over the mandate and implications of a GOP-led House. On Twitter, the announcement that Apple was now the second-most valuable company in the world was the No. 1 subject. And on YouTube, an excerpt from a BBC show demonstrated just how endearing polar bears can be.